Florence Ashthorpe

1881 England & Wales Census
Born in 1868
Florence Ashthorpe was a woman born in 1868 in St Pancras London Llan And Cerrig Y Druidion. During the 1881 UK Census she was 13 years old and lived in Merionethshire. She appears as the daughter of her house in the 1881 UK Census.
LAST NAME: Ashthorpe
FIRST NAME: Florence
BIRTH PLACE: St Pancras London Llan And Cerrig Y Druidion
COUNTY: Merionethshire
AGE: 13
GENDER: Female
Residence: 6, Jones Terrace
Cerrig Y Druidion
Llan And Cerrig Y Druidion, Merionethshire
Household Members:
Florence Ashthorpe (13, Female)
... and 20 other fields

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