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Ancestral, Genealogical, Biographical HistoricalThe Baskins Family: South Carolina-Pennsylvania with Stephens and Martin NotesThe Baxter Family Descendants of George and Thomas Baxter of Westchester County New YorkThe Beaman and Clark Genealogy: A History of the Descendants of Gamaliel Beaman and Sarah Clark of Dorchester and Lancaster, Massachusetts 1635-1909The Beatys of KingstonThe Belcher Family in England and America. Comprehending a Period of Seven Hundred and Sixty-five years with the Descendants of Adam BelcherThe Bell Family of Mifflin County Pennsylvania the Ancestors and Descendants of John Henderson Bell of Decatur Township 1941The Bemis History and Genealogy: Being an Account in Greater Part of the Descendants of Joseph Bemis of Watertown, MassachusettsThe Benjamin Blackburn Family and notes on Blackburns in America 1942The Bennett Book A Family HistoryThe Bennett Family of Sussex County Delaware 1680-1860The Bent Family in America. Being Mainly a Genealogy of the Descendants of John Bent Who Settled in Sudbury, Massachusetts in 1638The Berkshire Vermont Chaffees and their Descendants_1801-1911The Beverley Family of Virginia: Descendants of Major Robert Beverley 1641-1687 and Allied FamiliesThe Beville Family of Virginia, Georgia, and Florida, and Several Allied Families, North and SouthThe Bierer-Berry Family: A Record of the Descendants of John and Barbara Bierer Together with Brief Accounts of the Holtzinger-Holtzer Family and the Mull FamilyThe Billingsley Family Billingsly-Billingslea in AmericaThe Blair-Moffett Families a History and Genealogy between the years 1600 and 1935The Bliss BookThe Bogart Family: Tunis Gysbert Bogaert and his DescendantsThe Bolich Family in America with GenealogiesThe Boltons of Old and New England with a Genealogy of the DescendantsThe Bontecou Genealogy A Record of the Descendants of Pierre Bontecou a Huguenot Refugee from France in the Line of His SonsThe Bottum Longbottom Family Alburm An Historical and Biographical GenealogyThe Bourne GenealogyThe Bournes Families of IrelandThe Bowmans A History of Hans Dieterick Bauman and His DescendantsThe Boydstun FamilyThe Boynton Family A Genealogy of the Descendants of William and John Boynton who Emigrated from Yorkshire in 1638 and Settled at Rowley Essex County MassachusettsThe Brewster Genealogy 1566-1907 A Record of the Descendants of William Brewster of the Mayflower Ruling Elder of the Pilgrim Church which Founded Plymouth Colony in 1620The Brinton Genealogy: A History of William Brinton who Came from England to Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1684The Bromwell Genealogy Including Descendants of William Bromwell and Beulah HallThe Brown Family History Tracing the Clark Brown LineThe Buckners of Virginia and the Allied Families of Strother and AshbyThe Buffington Family in AmericaThe Bulkeley Genealogy Rev Peter Bulkeley Being an Account of his Career his Ancestry the Ancestry of his two Wives and his Relatives in England and New England together with a Genealogy of his Descendants through the Seventh American GenerationThe Burke and Alvord Memorial: A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Richard Burke of Sudbury, MassThe Burnett GenealogyThe Burritt Family in America: Descendants of William Burritt of Stratford Connecticut 1635-1940The Byron Chronicle a History of the Byron and Byrom Families 1066-1800The Calland FamilyThe Calls of Norfolk and Suffolk Their Paston Connections and DescendantsThe Calvin Families Origin and History of the American Calvins with a Partial GenealogyThe Cantrill-Cantrell Genealogy A Record of the Descendants of Richard Cantrill, Who was a Resident of Philadelphia Prior 1689The Capen Family: Descendants of Bernard Capen of Dorchester, MassachusettsThe Carr Book Sketches of the Lives of Many of the Descendants of Robert and Caleb CarrThe Carr Family Records Embacing the Record of the First FamiliesThe Carver Family of New England, Robert Carver of Marshfield and his DescendantsThe Cary Estes GenealogyThe Cary Family in AmericaThe Catching and Holliday Families and Various Related Families in Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi and other Southern StatesThe Chad Browne Memorial Consisting of Genealogical Memoirs of Portion of The Descendants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne with an Appendix Containing Sketches of Other Early Rhode Island Settlers 1638-1888The Chaffee Genealogy: Embracing the Chafe, Chafy, Chafie, Chafey, Chafee, Chaphe, Descendants of Thomas Chaffe 1635-1909The Chamberlain Association of America Report of Annual Meetings Held in Boston Massachusetts 1908-1910The Chipman Family A Genealogy of the Chipmans in America_1631-1920The Chouteau Family A Genealogy of Descendants and Collateral BranchesThe Clark Family Genealogy in the United States A Genealogical Record 1541-1907The Clendinen Myers and Mills Families and Various Related Families in the SouthThe Cody Family Handbook Directory 1941 Descendants of Philip and MarthaThe Coggeshalls in America. 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Belden and Collateral FamiliesThe Family of Best in America of Holland Descent wit Copious Biographical Notes 1700-1901The Family of Bolton in England and America 1100-1894 a Study in GenealogyThe Family of Clay of New Castle, Delaware and Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaThe Family of Stephen Bull of Kinghurst Hall, County Warwick, England and Ashley Hall, South Carolina 1600-1960The Family Record of David Lehman Booher and his Wife Elizabeth NuttsThe Genealogical Registry of the Butters Family: Including the Descendants of William Butter of Woburn, Massachusetts 1665The Genealogy and History of the Brown Browne Family of Granville, New York and Granville, Wisconsin and Other States of Our UnionThe Genealogy of Benjamin FamilyThe Genealogy of Daniel P. BrewerThe Genealogy of the Benedicts in AmericaThe Genealogy of the Booth Family of Connecticut for Six or More GenerationsThe Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh Family of AmericaThe Genealogy of the Cushing Family An account of the Ancestors and Descendants of Matthew CushingThe Genealogy of the Dallett FamilyThe Genealogy of the Dimond or Dimon Family of Fairfield ConnecticutThe History and the Genealogy of the Cornish Families in AmericaThe History of the Family of Dallas and their Connections and DescendantsThe House of BrewerThe House of CessnaThe John Elliot Family of Boscawen New HampshireThe Life and Times of Reverend John Corbly and the John Corbly Family GenealogyThe New England Ancestry of Dana Converse BackusThe Progenitors and Descendants of Thomas Page Brown and Sarah Sally ParkerThe Reverend John Beach and his Descendants Together with Historical and Biographical Sketches and the Ancestry and Descendants of John Sanford of Redding, ConnecticutThe Robert Campbell 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and their Descendants 1706-1914William Arnold of Providence And Pawtuxet 1587-1675William Coaldwell Caldwell or Coldwell of England, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Nova Scotia, Historical Sketch of the Family and Name and Record of his DescendantsWilliam Cross of Botetourt County Virginia and his Descendants_1733-1932Zadock Bliss 1788-1853 and Keziah Haskins Bliss 1786-1851: Historical and Genealogical Records of their Descendants to 1951Germans To America 1850-1897Irish Immigrants: New York Port Arrival-Irish Famine 1846-1851Italians to America 1855-1900Russians To America 1834-1897Gorgas Hospital Mortuary Register (Panama Canal Zone) 1906-1991Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II 1942-1946Korean War - Dead And Wounded Army Casualties 1950-1953Korean War - Deceased Military Personnel 1950-1957Vietnam War - Deceased Military Personnel 1956-2003Vietnam War - Deceased, Wounded, Ill or Injured 1961-1981Vietnam War - Died, Missing or Prisoners of War 1956-1998Vietnam War Casualties - Returned Alive 1956-1998World War II Prisoners of War 1941-1946World War II Prisoners of War of the Japanese 1941-1945World War-II Army Enlistment Records 1938-1946A History of Cornwall Connecticut A Typical New England TownA History of Shenandoah County VirginiaA History of Trenton 1679-1929A Narrative History of Remsen New York 1789-1898A Necrology of the Physicians of Lowell and Vicinity 1826-1898A Pioneer History of Becker County MinnesotaA Record of the Inscriptions in the Old Town Burying Ground of Newburgh New YorkA Record of the Twenty Third Regiment MassachusettsA Short History of Pittsburgh 1758-1908A Sketch of the History of Attleborough From its Settlement to the DivisionA Sketch of the History of Newbury Newburyport and West Newbury From 1635 to 1845Abstracts of Early Woburn Deeds Recorded at Middlesex County Registry 1649-1700Alabama Her History Resources War Record and Public MenAmerican Guide Series Dutchess CountyAn Illustrated History of Spokane County 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Hampshire 1735-1914The History of Orangeburg County South CarolinaThe History of Pittsylvania County VirginiaThe History of Putnam County New YorkThe History of Ridgefield ConnecticutThe History of the Old Town of Derby Connecticut 1642-1880The History of the Town of Marlborough Windham County VermontThe History of Wilbraham MassachusettsThe Inhabitants of Woburn This HistoryThe Moravians in Georgia 1735-1740The Natural History and the Topography of Groton MassachusettsThe Niagara FrontierThe Old Rockingham Meeting House Erected 1787 and the first Church in Rockingham Vermont 1773-1787The Pilgrims of Boston and Their Descendants in the Granary Burial Ground Tremont StreetThe Pioneers of Unadilla Village 1784-1840The Pioneers of Utica Being SketchesThe Record of Andover During the RebellionThe Record of Athol MassachusettsThe Record of the Town Meetings in the Town of Dedham Massachusetts 1887-1896The Records of the Salem Commoners 1713-1739The Redemption of New YorkThe Refugees of Long 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Northumberland County Records 1652-1655Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol XVII Richmond County Records 1704-1724Virginia Colonial Abstracts Washington County Marriage Register 1782-1820Vital Records of Connecticut Series1Vital Records of Woodstock 1686-1854Warners History of Dakota County NebraskaWatertown Records Comprising the Seventh Book of Town Proceedings 1792 Through 1809Weiks History of Putnam County IndianaWessagusset and Weymouth An Historical AddressWestchester County in HistoryWestchester County New York BiographicalWestern Massachusetts a History 1636-1925Weymouth Ways and Weymouth People ReminiscencesWhere the Rivers MeetWills and Family HistoriesWindham in the PastWiscasset in PownalboroughWitchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut 1647-1697Worcester Light Infantry A History 1803-1922 Default Exact Phonetic Name Initial Partial Synonyms Wildcard Found 409,253 results in the 1940 US Census Joseph Courcelle (Male) Birth: 1891Birth Place: Rutland Vt County: St LawrenceResidence: 179 Main StreetMassena Town, St Lawrence, New York View Page Arthur Bouchard (Male) Birth: 1891Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: MonroeResidence: 146 Van Stallen StreetMonroe, New York View Page Margaret Hoock (Female) Birth: 1913Birth Place: Barrie Vt County: MonroeResidence: 225 ArnettMonroe, New York View Page Peter Oconnel (Male) Birth: 1915Birth Place: Barrie Vt County: MonroeResidence: 225 ArnettMonroe, New York View Page Charles New (Male) Birth: 1909Birth Place: Butelnd Vt County: MonroeResidence: 353 Platt StMonroe, New York View Page Clara Helena Partes (Female) Birth: 1919Birth Place: Jacksonville Vt County: MonroeResidence: 11 Waverly PlaceMonroe, New York View Page Dwight Partes (Male) Birth: 1921Birth Place: Hackson Vt County: MonroeResidence: 11 Waverly PlaceMonroe, New York View Page Paul E Holbrook (Male) Birth: 1905Birth Place: Brattlebron Vt County: ClatsopResidence: Fort Stevens Military Reservation, Clatsop, Oregon View Page William E Petty (Male) Birth: 1911Birth Place: St Johnsbury Vt County: AuglaizeResidence: 101 West Silver StreetWapakoneta City, Auglaize, Ohio View Page Jane Lillian Petty (Female) Birth: 1931Birth Place: St Johnsbury Vt County: AuglaizeResidence: 101 West Silver StreetWapakoneta City, Auglaize, Ohio View Page William Galbriath Petty (Male) Birth: 1934Birth Place: St Johnsbury Vt County: AuglaizeResidence: 101 West Silver StreetWapakoneta City, Auglaize, Ohio View Page Vera Scheffler (Female) Birth: 1907Birth Place: Barre Vt County: MuskingumResidence: 621 Dryden RoadZanesville, Muskingum, Ohio View Page Frederk Lillicrap (Male) Birth: 1926Birth Place: Essex Co Vt County: MiamiResidence: Clayton RoadWashington Tp, Miami, Ohio View Page Harry Lillicrap (Male) Birth: 1927Birth Place: Essex Co Vt County: MiamiResidence: Clayton RoadWashington Tp, Miami, Ohio View Page Richard Lillicrap (Male) Birth: 1929Birth Place: Essex Co Vt County: MiamiResidence: Clayton RoadWashington Tp, Miami, Ohio View Page Rodger Lillicrap (Male) Birth: 1931Birth Place: Essex Co Vt County: MiamiResidence: Clayton RoadWashington Tp, Miami, Ohio View Page George E Houg (Male) Birth: 1889Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 164 Hamilton StProvidence, Providence, Rhode Island View Page Wyman K Houg (Male) Birth: 1925Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 164 Hamilton StProvidence, Providence, Rhode Island View Page Ronald A Houg (Male) Birth: 1931Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 164 Hamilton StProvidence, Providence, Rhode Island View Page S Herbert Yaaer (Male) Birth: 1906Birth Place: Braintree Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 69 Ontario StProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Rhoda Henninger (Female) Birth: 1894Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 49 Congress AveProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Josephine M Russo (Female) Birth: 1913Birth Place: Barre Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 76 Laura StProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Paul A Russo (Male) Birth: 1938Birth Place: Barre Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 76 Laura StProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Thelma Duston (Female) Birth: 1905Birth Place: H Johnsbury Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 387 Potters AveProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Robert C Booth (Male) Birth: 1905Birth Place: Morrisville Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 94 Hamilton St LexingtonProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Hortense Turner (Female) Birth: 1913Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 96 Hamilton St LexingtonProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Walter J Brewer (Male) Birth: 1886Birth Place: Rutland Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 105 Atlantic AveProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Marion U Brewer (Female) Birth: 1891Birth Place: Rutland Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 105 Atlantic AveProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Albert Blaisdel (Male) Birth: 1882Birth Place: Milton Vt County: ProvidenceResidence: 4 Geoffrey CtProvidence, Rhode Island View Page Theresa Allamont (Female) Birth: 1919Birth Place: Morrisville Vt County: SchuylkillResidence: 813 Pottsville StSchuylkill, Pennsylvania View Page Vida V Rooney (Female) Birth: 1916Birth Place: Vt R County: LamoilleResidence: So CambridgeCambridge, Lamoille, Vermont View Page Pauline E Nadeau (Female) Birth: 1936Birth Place: Morgan Vt County: OrleansResidence: Route # 111Morgan Vt, Orleans, Vermont View Page Frank Sherwell (Male) Birth: 1893Birth Place: Plymouth Vt County: OrleansResidence: Side RoadNewport Center, Orleans, Vermont View Page Elizabeth Powers (Female) Birth: 1887Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 7 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Madeline Powers (Female) Birth: 1917Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 7 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Mary Powers (Female) Birth: 1918Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 7 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Frederick Powers (Male) Birth: 1924Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 7 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Rose Berry (Female) Birth: 1864Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 9 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Jane Bessette (Female) Birth: 1920Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 25 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Lester Bessette (Male) Birth: 1922Birth Place: Burlington Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 25 So Union StBurlington, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Christal W St George (Female) Birth: 1904Birth Place: Chesterfield Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 9 Charlotte Town, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Clifford C Casey (Male) Birth: 1896Birth Place: Jerrico Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 11 Charlotte Town, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Rodrick W Eno (Male) Birth: 1877Birth Place: New Haney Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 14 Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Roy G Thorp (Male) Birth: 1919Birth Place: Palt?? Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 23 Charlotte Town, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Charles W Riners (Male) Birth: 1907Birth Place: Northfield Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 31 Charlotte Town, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Frank F Ester? (Male) Birth: 1874Birth Place: Lester Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 36 Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Mary A Largena (Female) Birth: 1891Birth Place: Shelburne Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 37 Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Frank Largena (Male) Birth: 1917Birth Place: Shelburne Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 37 Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Gladis L Largena (Female) Birth: 1920Birth Place: Stratton Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 37 Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont View Page Clemence D Stearns (Male) Birth: 1879Birth Place: Chidoy Vt County: ChittendenResidence: 45 Charlotte Town, Chittenden, Vermont View Page 81808181818281838184