Found 131,222 results in the 1881 England & Wales Census
William Toms (Male)
Birth: 1851
Birth Place: England St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: Prospect House
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Elizabeth Toms (Female)
Birth: 1858
Birth Place: Vale Guernsey St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: Prospect House
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Maud Toms (Female)
Birth: 1876
Birth Place: St Peter Port Guernsey St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: Prospect House
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Florance Toms (Female)
Birth: 1878
Birth Place: St Peter Port Guernsey St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: Prospect House
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
William Toms (Male)
Birth: 1880
Birth Place: St Peter Port Guernsey St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: Prospect House
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Edward Thoms (Male)
Birth: 1843
Birth Place: England St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: 12, Hariles St
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Elizabeth Thoms (Female)
Birth: 1844
Birth Place: England St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: 12, Hariles St
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Francis A Thoms (Female)
Birth: 1871
Birth Place: St Martin Guernsey St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: 12, Hariles St
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
James Tomes (Male)
Birth: 1846
Birth Place: St Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Wm Jas Forms House, Mont Mads
St John's, Jersey
Ann Tomes (Female)
Birth: 1841
Birth Place: T Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Wm Jas Forms House, Mont Mads
St John's, Jersey
James Tomes (Male)
Birth: 1871
Birth Place: St Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Wm Jas Forms House, Mont Mads
St John's, Jersey
Ann Ma Tomes (Female)
Birth: 1872
Birth Place: St Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Wm Jas Forms House, Mont Mads
St John's, Jersey
Clara J Tomes (Female)
Birth: 1879
Birth Place: St Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Wm Jas Forms House, Mont Mads
St John's, Jersey
James Tomes (Male)
Birth: 1821
Birth Place: England Devonshire St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Mackup House, Mont Mads Min J
St John's, Jersey
Nancy Tomes (Female)
Birth: 1820
Birth Place: St Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Mackup House, Mont Mads Min J
St John's, Jersey
John Tomes (Male)
Birth: 1864
Birth Place: St Jersey St John's
County: Jersey
Residence: Mackup House, Mont Mads Min J
St John's, Jersey
Joseph Toms (Male)
Birth: 1829
Birth Place: England St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: 11, Mill St
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Harriet Toms (Female)
Birth: 1823
Birth Place: England St Peter Port
County: Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Residence: 11, Mill St
St Peter Port
St Peter Port, Guernsey And Adjacent Islands
Harris A Toms (Male)
Birth: 1826
Birth Place: Kingshrigh Devonshire
County: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Residence: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Patrick Twomsy (Male)
Birth: 1860
Birth Place: Ireland
County: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Residence: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Lord Toms (Male)
Birth: 1834
Birth Place: Kroo Country West Coast Of Africa
County: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Residence: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Nicholas Toms (Male)
Birth: 1847
Birth Place: Plymouth Devonshire
County: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad
Residence: Royal Navy At Sea And In Ports Abroad