Ohio Genealogists

Our Ohio genealogists research on location. They will find and analyze the best records available to further your family history research. They can search the archives and libraries in Ohio, including:

  • Ohio Historical Society, Archives-Library Division
    One of the nation’s largest repositories of newspapers, birth and death records (1867-1953), marriage records from the date of the county’s creation, state census returns, naturalization records (1790-1917), military records, land records, newspapers since 1793. government records, prisoner records, manuscripts, maps
  • Archibold Library (Fulton County)
    Contains DAR patriots, histories of counties, historical and family sketches, marriages, tombstone inscriptions, military discharges, yearbooks, newspapers
  • Center for Archival Collections at Bowling Green State University
    Newspapers, censuses, Civil War correspondence, historical collection, government records, manuscripts, student affairs, obituary index, rare book, cemetery inscriptions
  • Fulton County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society
    Over 1,300 books and hundreds of films, including newspapers since 1910, birth and death records since 1867, marriage records from 1864, family and county histories, obituaries and tombstone inscriptions
  • County Probate Courts
    County births and deaths, marriages, probates, land records, military discharges, court records
  • Lakeside Heritage Society, Ottawa County
    Property records from 1873, histories, family portfolios, diaries, scrapbooks, biographies, newspapers, obituaries
  • Ohio Genealogical Society-Samuel D. Isaly Library
    Over 250,000 surname cards, 4,000 family Bible records, family files, court records, journals and periodicals, maps, censuses, newsletters, county and city directories, family histories, yearbooks, and manuscripts
  • Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
    County histories, genealogies, military records, family histories, name Indexes, land records, passenger lists, obituaries, newspapers, government records, Toledo City and Suburban Directories since 1858, yearbooks, manuscripts, jail registers (1872-1921), church records
  • Wood County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogy Society
    Cemetery inscriptions, births, marriages, deaths, wills, manuscripts, family histories
  • Wood County District Public Library
    Bowling Green city directories, family histories, military records, newspapers
  • Wood County Historical Center and Museum
    Scrapbooks, infirmary accidents, family histories, books

Our professional researchers can do research projects of many sizes and for many budgets. We customize the amount of research provided according to your needs.

If you want to know more about how our genealogists can further your research, you can request a research quote.

Some of the major records sources that can be used for genealogy research in Ohio include:

  • Ohio and Michigan birth and death records beginning in 1867.
  • Ohio marriage records for each county from the formation of that county. For instance, Stark County was formed in 1809. That is when their marriage records begin. Michigan marriage records begin in 1867.
  • Federal census records were recorded every 10 years starting in 1790.
  • Ohio land records were kept by the towns and counties from the time they were formed.
  • Ohio probate records for each county from the formation of that county.
  • Churches sometimes kept records of the christenings, marriages, deaths, or other information about their members.
  • Newspapers were written in many areas and time periods that contain notices of births and marriages, and obituaries.
  • Town and county histories and genealogies of settlers
  • Naturalization and citizenship records since as early as 1790
  • Draft registration cards
  • Cemeteries and funeral homes
  • City directories

Request a Research Quote

    Tell us about the person or family you want us to research (living or deceased).

    Who do you want us to research?

    What is your specific research goal?

    Please tell us as much as possible about the person or family, including their children, parents, and spouse(s). Also, include any previous research you've done toward your research goal.

    What is your estimated budget for this request?

    In which country do you reside?

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